Articles → .NET → Making Application Offline

Making Application Offline

Picture showing the error message when the application is offline
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  1. Disable httpRuntime. Open web.config file and add a property called enable = "false" in tag in web.config file.

  2. <httpRuntime enable="false"/>

  3. Add a file "App_Offline.htm" in the project. A HTML page which gives some information to the end user.

Picture showing the custom page displayed when the application is offline
Click to Enlarge

Important →

  1. If the size of App_Offline.htm is greater than 1 MB then ASP.NET runtime will not return App_Offline.htm page.
  2. If the size of App_Offline.htm is lesser than 512 bytes then an error message of internet explorer is shown.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Sunday, August 15, 2010


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