Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Load Balancer In Azure

Load Balancer In Azure


Components Of Load Balancer

  1. Backend pool → It is the pool of virtual machines. The load balancer distributes the load on the virtual machines present in the backend pool
  2. Frontend IP → An IP address assigned to the load balancer. All requests will hit the frontend IP address and further, the load balancer distributes the load on the virtual machines in the backend pool
  3. Health probe → Checks the health of the virtual machine at regular intervals. If the virtual machine is not well, then the load balancer will not distribute the load on that virtual machine
  4. Load Balancing Rule → A set of rules applied to the specific components of the load balancer

Basic Vs Standard Load Balancer

Load balancer categoryVirtual machinesAvailability SetsScale Sets
Basic load balancerSingle virtual machineYesYes
Standard load balancerMultiple virtual machinesYesYes

Internal Vs External Load Balancer

Picture showing the representation of internal and external load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Steps Of Creating The Load Balancer

  1. Creation of a virtual machine
  2. Creation of the public IP address
  3. Create a load balancer with the public IP address
  4. Setting different components of the load balancer
  5. Configure the backend pool
  6. Configure the health probe
  7. Configure the load-balancing rules
  8. Test the load balancer

Creation Of A Virtual Machine

  1. Availability options are Availability set
  2. Picture showing selecting the Availability Sets while creating the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Public IP is set to None
  4. Picture showing disabling the public IP address while creating the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the list of virtual machines for the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Creation Of The Public IP Address

Picture showing creation of the public IP address
Click to Enlarge

Create A Load Balancer With The Public IP Address

Picture showing  a screen for adding the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the create load balancer screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the load balancer screen for associating the public IP address with the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Configure The Backend Pool

Picture showing a screen for adding the backend pool inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the create backend pool screen inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Configure The Health Probe

Picture showing a screen for adding the health probe inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the create health probe screen inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Configure The Load Balancing Rules

Picture showing a screen for adding the load balancing rule inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the create load balancing rule screen inside the load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Test The Load Balancer

Picture showing the default of virtual machine 1
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the default of virtual machine 2
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, May 8, 2021


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