Articles → AWS → Create An Application Load Balancer In AWS

Create An Application Load Balancer In AWS


  1. Launch 2 EC2 instances with IIS enabled
  2. Enable access of IIS home page over the internet
  3. Create a target group
  4. Create an application load balancer

Launch 2 EC2 Instances With IIS Enabled

Enable Access Of IIS Home Page Over The Internet

Create A Target Group

Picture showing specifying the health check path as index.html
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing including EC2 instances in pending health status using the Include as pending below button
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create target group button for creating the new target group
Click to Enlarge

Create An Application Load Balancer

Picture showing selecting the load balancer in aws
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing entering the load balancer name in aws console
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing selecting the subnet for load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing selecting the target group for load balancer
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create load balancer button for creating the load balancer
Click to Enlarge


Picture showing the health status of both the EC2 instances as healthy
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the output of application load balancer in aws
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the output of application load balancer in aws
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, November 1, 2021


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