Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Virtual Machine Scale Set In Azure

Virtual Machine Scale Set In Azure


How To Create A Virtual Machine Scale Set?

  1. Search for the option Virtual Machine Scale Set in the search bar
  2. Picture showing the virtual machine scale sets option in Microsoft Azure
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Click on the Add button to add a new virtual machine scale set
  4. Picture showing the add button for adding a new virtual machine scale sets
    Click to Enlarge

  5. A screen will appear where the required information will be filled
  6. Picture showing the Basics tag of create screen of virtual machine scale sets
    Click to Enlarge

  7. All the information is self-explanatory. But I will discuss the Basics and Scaling tab
  8. In the Basics tab, we can enter virtual machine scale sets and the availability zones. You can deploy the VMs across the multiple zones
  9. Picture showing the Basics tag of create screen of virtual machine scale sets
    Click to Enlarge

  10. In the Scaling tab, we have the following fields: -
    Picture showing the Scaling tag of create screen of virtual machine scale sets
    Click to Enlarge
    1. Initial Instance Count - Specifies the total number of virtual machines in the scale set initially
    2. Maximum number of VMs - Specifies the maximum number of virtual machines scaled up in case of increased demand
    3. Minimum number of VMs - Specifies the minimum number of virtual machines scaled up in case the demand is decreased
    4. Scale out - It means that if the CPU threshold is increased to a certain amount (75% in the above case) then increase the count of the virtual machine to 1
    5. Scale in (Not in the screenshot) - It means that if the CPU threshold is reduced to a certain amount then decrease the count of the virtual machine to 1


Picture showing the virtual machine instances inside the scale set
Click to Enlarge

How Do You Login To The Instance Of Scale Set?

Picture showing the edit icon of the network interface of the virtual machine
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the edit screen for enabling the public IP address
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Connect link for connecting to the virtual machine in the scale set
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, October 1, 2020
Updated On  -  Tuesday, May 18, 2021


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