Articles → AWS → Enable RDP For An EC2 Instance For A Newly Created VPC

Enable RDP For An EC2 Instance For A Newly Created VPC


  1. Create VPC
  2. Create a subnet inside VPC
  3. Create an internet gateway and attach it to VPC
  4. Add a route of internet gateway in the route table
  5. Associate a subnet with the route table
  6. Add port 3389 to the Security Group
  7. Launch an EC2 instance

Create VPC

Picture showing the new VPC created using AWS console
Click to Enlarge

Create A Subnet Inside VPC

Picture showing the new subnet created inside the VPC
Click to Enlarge

Create An Internet Gateway And Attach It To VPC

Picture showing a new internet gateway created in AWS console
Click to Enlarge

Add A Route Of Internet Gateway In The Route Table

Picture showing adding a route of internet gateway in the route table
Click to Enlarge

Associate A Subnet With The Route Table

Picture showing associating the subnet with the route table
Click to Enlarge

Add Port 3389 To The Security Group

Picture showing adding 3389 port number in the security group
Click to Enlarge

Launch An EC2 Instance

Picture showing selecting the new VPC while creating an EC2
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing a popup window of RDP
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, April 7, 2022


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