Articles → AWS → Behaviors In AWS Cloudfront

Behaviors In AWS Cloudfront



  1. Create 2 publicly accessible S3 buckets
  2. Upload files on the S3 bucket
  3. Make objects on the S3 bucket public
  4. Create a CloudFront distribution
  5. Add a new origin to the CloudFront distribution
  6. Create behaviors in CloudFront
  7. Output

Create 2 Publicly Accessible S3 Buckets

Picture showing 2 publicly accessible S3 buckets created in AWS
Click to Enlarge

Upload Files On The S3 Bucket

Picture showing the image file uploaded on first bucket
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the image file uploaded on second bucket
Click to Enlarge

Make Objects On The S3 Bucket Public

Create A Cloudfront Distribution

Picture showing the CloudFront distribution created in AWS
Click to Enlarge

Add A New Origin To The Cloudfront Distribution

Picture showing the origins added in CloudFront distribution
Click to Enlarge

Create Behaviors In Cloudfront

Picture showing the Behaviors tab in CloudFront for adding a new behavior
Click to Enlarge

Path pattern1*.png
Origin and origin groups[origin of Bucket 1]

Picture showing the Create Behavior screen for creating the new behavior
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create Behavior screen for creating second behavior
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing both behaviors created in CloudFront
Click to Enlarge


Picture showing the output of Behaviors In AWS Cloudfront
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the output of Behaviors In AWS Cloudfront
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, August 6, 2022


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