Articles → AWS → Publishing SNS Messages To SQS In AWS

Publishing SNS Messages To SQS In AWS


  1. Create an SNS topic
  2. Create an SQS
  3. Subscribe SQS to SNS
  4. Publish the message
  5. Check the message in SQS

Create A SNS Topic

Picture showing the SNS topic created in AWS console
Click to Enlarge

Create A SQS

Picture showing the SQS created in AWS console
Click to Enlarge

Subscribe SQS To SNS

Picture showing the Subscribe to Amazon SNS topic button in SQS screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing a screen to subscribe SQS to SNS
Click to Enlarge

Publish The Message

Picture showing publishing the message in SNS
Click to Enlarge

Check The Message In SQS

Picture showing the message in SQS
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the message in SQS
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, May 19, 2022


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