Articles → AWS → Policy Versioning In AWSPolicy Versioning In AWSIn this article, we will discuss policy versioning in AWS.What Is Policy Versioning? Whenever change(s) is done in the policy, AWS maintains the version of the policy. This is called policy versioning.How Policy Versioning Works? To see how the policy versioning works, let us create a policy. Please check this article on how to create a policy.Click to EnlargeNow, edit the policy and add one more permission. You will observe that another version of the policy is created.Click to EnlargeSetting Any Policy Version As Default You can specify any policy version as default. The purpose of setting the policy version as default is to baseline the policy. You can switch back to the default version of the policy if anything goes wrong.To set the policy as default, select the policy and click on the Set as default button.Click to EnlargePosted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250