Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Dissociate The Public IP Address In The Virtual Machine In Azure

Dissociate The Public IP Address In The Virtual Machine In Azure


  1. In the virtual machine, go to the detail section
  2. Go to the Networking submenu
  3. A screen will appear on the right-hand side
  4. Click on the network interface name (myvm622 in this case)
  5. Picture showing the IP address of the network interface in the virtual machine details screen
    Click to Enlarge

  6. In the network interface section, click on the IP Configurations submenu on the left-hand side
  7. Picture showing the IP configurations menu for disassociating the public IP from the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  8. In the IP configurations screen, click on the record with the name ipconfig1
  9. Picture showing the record of the IPconfig with the private and public IP addresses
    Click to Enlarge

  10. A screen will appear where you can disassociate the IP address
  11. Click on the Save button to complete the process
  12. Picture showing the screen for disassociating the public IP from the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, May 6, 2021


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