Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → DdoS Protection Plan In Microsoft Azure

DdoS Protection Plan In Microsoft Azure

What Are DdoS Attacks?


  1. Create a virtual network
  2. Create a DDoS protection plan
  3. Add the virtual network to the DDoS protection plan

Create A Virtual Network

Picture showing the virtual network created in Azure

Create A DdoS Protection Plan

Picture showing the DDos protection plans in the search box

Picture showing the Create DDoS protection plan button for creating the DDoS protection plan

Picture showing the create a ddos protection plan screen

Picture showing the screen that confirms that deployment of DDos protection plan is completed

Add The Virtual Network In DdoS Protection Plan

Picture showing the Add protected resource button for adding the resource in the DDoS protection plan

Picture showing the screen with +Add button for adding the resource in the DDoS protection plan

Picture showing the window to select the resource for adding in the DDoS protection plan

Picture showing the VNet added in the DDoS protection plan

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, January 11, 2022


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