Articles → DOCKER → Create Deployment Command In Kubernetes

Create Deployment Command In Kubernetes



kubectl create deploy [deployment_name] --image=[image_name]


snap install kubectl --classic


Picture showing the execution of kubectl create deploy command

Dry Run

kubectl create deploy [deployment_name] --image=[image_name] --dry-run=client -o yaml

Picture showing the execution of dry run of kubectl create deploy command

Retrieve Deployment Information

kubectl get deployment [deployment_name]

Picture showing the information about the deployment using the kubectl get deployment command

kubectl get deployment [deployment_name] -o yaml

Picture showing the yaml of the deployment

Scaling The Deployment

kubectl scale deploy [deployment_name] --replicas=[desired_replicas]

Picture showing the output of kubectl scale deploy command in docker

Picture showing the replica is changed from 1 to 4

Update The Container Image In Deployment

kubectl set image deploy [deployment_name] [container_image_name]=[updated_image]

Picture showing the output of kubectl set image deploy command for changing the image in docker

Picture showing the image of the container is updated in docker

What Does Replica Mean?

What Is A Selector?

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, January 29, 2024
Updated On  -  Sunday, February 4, 2024


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