Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Create Alerts In Microsoft Azure

Create Alerts In Microsoft Azure



  1. Create a virtual machine
  2. Inside the virtual machine, create an action group
  3. Create an alert

Create A Virtual Machine

Create An Action Group

  1. Click on the virtual machine name
  2. Picture showing the list of virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  3. In the details screen, search the alert
  4. In the alerts section, there is an option to create an action
  5. Picture showing the alerts option in virtual machine detail screen with action group button
    Click to Enlarge

  6. In the Manage actions screen, there is a button with the caption Add action group for adding a new action group. Click on the button
  7. Picture showing a screen for adding a new action group
    Click to Enlarge

  8. In the add screen, enter the fields Action group name and the Display name
  9. Picture showing the add new screen for adding the new action group
    Click to Enlarge

  10. Click on the button Next: Notifications >
  11. In the notification section, select Notification type. For this example, I am selecting the option Email/SMS message/Push/Voice
  12. Once you select the option, you can configure all the notification types. For this example. I am only configuring email
  13. Picture showing the Notifications tab while creating the new action group
    Click to Enlarge

  14. Click on the button Review + create and finally click the Create button to create an action group

Create An Alert

  1. Click on the New alert rule button
  2. Picture showing the add button for adding the new rule
    Click to Enlarge

  3. A create rule screen will come. In the first part of the screen, the scope of an alert will be displayed
  4. Picture showing the scope for which rules is applied
    Click to Enlarge

  5. In the second section, you can specify the trigger i.e., the event when action should take place. For doing that, click on the link Select condition
  6. A slider window will appear on the right-hand side. In the slider window, select the Signal Name as Start Virtual Machine (Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines)
  7. Picture showing the window to enter rule for an alert
    Click to Enlarge

  8. On click of the signal name, another image will appear. Click on the Done button
  9. Picture showing the frequency in which rule needs to be applied
    Click to Enlarge

  10. Finally, enter the rule name and click on the Create alert rule button
  11. Picture showing setting my the alert details
    Click to Enlarge


Picture showing the email received when virtual machine is turned off
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, October 9, 2020


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