Articles → AWS → Create A Report Of Those Users Who Have Logged In To The AWS Console Today

Create A Report Of Those Users Who Have Logged In To The AWS Console Today


  1. Create a cloud trail
  2. Create a table in Athena for CloudTrail
  3. Create a query in Athena

Create A CloudTrail

Picture showing the S3 bucket created on the cloudtrail creation
Click to Enlarge

Create A Table In Athena For CloudTrail

Picture showing the Create Athena table button for creating a new table in Athena
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create table query of the Athena table to be created
Click to Enlarge

Create A Query In Athena

Picture showing changing the location of query result to the cloudtrail S3 bucket
Click to Enlarge

select from_iso8601_date(substr(eventtime,1,10)), *
from cloudtrail_logs_aws_cloudtrail_logs_462618770999_54460e6c
date_diff('Day',from_iso8601_date(substr(eventtime,1,10)),CURRENT_DATE) = 0
eventname = 'ConsoleLogin'

Picture showing the report of those users who have logged in to the AWS console today
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, November 25, 2021


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