Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Collect Syslog Data From Linux Machines To Azure Log Analytics

Collect Syslog Data From Linux Machines To Azure Log Analytics


  1. Create a virtual machine
  2. Create a log analytics workspace and connect the virtual machine
  3. Enable syslog in Azure portal
  4. Enable syslog in Linux virtual machine
  5. Output

Create A Virtual Machine

Picture showing the virtual machine created in Azure portal
Click to Enlarge

Create A Log Analytics Workspace And Connect The Virtual Machine

Enable Syslog In Azure Portal

Picture showing the + Add facility button in Agent Configuration
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing 2 facilities added in Agent Configuration screen
Click to Enlarge

Enable Syslog In Linux Virtual Machine



Picture showing the output of Syslog query in log analytics
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, July 16, 2022


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