Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → ASG (Application Security Group) In Microsoft Azure

ASG (Application Security Group) In Microsoft Azure


Picture showing the 6 virtual machines in a single NSG

Picture showing a virtual machine where ASG is applied


  1. Create An Application Security Group
  2. Create a virtual machine
  3. Associate ASG with the virtual machine
  4. Deny port 22 on ASG

Create An Application Security Group

Picture showing searching the application security group in search box

Picture showing a screen with a list of application security group

Picture showing a screen for creating the application security group

Create A Virtual Machine

Picture showing the virtual machine created in Azure

Associate ASG With The Virtual Machine

Picture showing the Application Security Group under Networking

Picture showing the Add application security groups button for associating ASG with virtual machine

Picture showing a section to select the application security group

Picture showing the ASG associated with the virtual machine

Deny Port 22 On ASG

Picture showing creating an inbound rule with ASG as source

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, February 17, 2022


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