Articles → UIPATH → Workflow Analyzer In UiPath Studio

Workflow Analyzer In UiPath Studio


How To Analyze The Workflow Using The Workflow Analyzer?

  1. Open the workflow file that you want to analyze
  2. In the "Design" tab, click on the "Analyze File" → "Analyze Project"
  3. Picture showing the Analyze Project option in UiPath studio
    Click to Enlarge

  4. You can see the list of warnings
  5. Picture showing the list of warnings when project is analyzed using workflow analyzer in Uipath studio
    Click to Enlarge

The Naming Convention Of The Warnings

  1. ST → Built-in rule
  2. NMG → Rules are related to naming conventions

  1. A built-in rule
  2. Related to the naming convention
  3. The number is 001

Managing Rules

Picture showing the project settings with the set of default rules
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Sunday, March 28, 2021


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