Articles → WCF → Why WCF Was Developed

Why WCF Was Developed

LibReusable componentStatically link i.e., links at linking time.
DLLExplicit linkingFor each and every client there should be separate copy of DLL.
COMLocation transparency and out of proc (Host is hosting the component and client is communicating with host)Useful only when on the same machine and it doesn’t work on distributed environment.
DCOMWorks well on distributed environment using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) Not reliable (If server is down and request comes to the server then the request is not handled anywhere.
COM+Reliability, MSMQ, Object pooling, JIT invocation, can be created using .net and C++.If programmer tries to create COM+ component using C++ then it requires writing a lot of code.

Communication can be done using TCP and supported protocol is binary only.
RemotingSupports TCP/binary, http/xml and IPC using named pipeOnly clients created in .net can use remoting
Web ServicePlatform independent, Only host on IIS, Security can be provided using web service enhancementsSupports only http protocol and xml data format.
WCFUnified model of creation of distributed environments

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, July 17, 2013


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