Articles → JMeter → View Results In Table Listener In Jmeter

View Results In Table Listener In Jmeter

What Is “View Results In Table” Listener?

How To Add Listener?

  1. Right-click on thread group.
  2. Click on Add → Listener → View Results in Table
  3. Picture showing adding the View Results Table listener in the threadgroup
    Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the test plan after adding the View Results Table listener in the threadgroup
Click to Enlarge

Run The Application

Picture showing the output of View Results in Table listener in jMeter
Click to Enlarge

  1. Sample time – Time takes to process the request.
  2. Connect time – Time taken to establish the connection.
  3. Latency - Latency is the time from just before sending the request to first response received.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, January 18, 2020


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