Articles → Python → Variables In Python

Variables In Python

What Are The Variables?

How To Declare A Variable?

  1. Specifying the variable name
  2. Followed by assignment operator i.e., ‘=’
  3. Followed by value

name = "gyan"
age = 30

Multiple Assignments Of Variables In Python

x= y = z = 2


Picture showing the output of Multiple assignment of variables in python

x= y = z = 2
x = x + 1

Picture showing the output of Multiple assignment of variables in python

Declaring Multiple Variables In One Line

width, height = 20,40


Picture showing the output of Declaring multiple variables in one line

Rules Of Creating Variables

  1. Variable names are case-sensitive
  2. Variable names should only contain alphabet, numbers, and underscore
  3. Keywords should not be used as the variable name
  4. Variable names should start with the alphabet or underscore

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, January 31, 2019
Updated On  -  Tuesday, March 26, 2019


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