Articles → AUTOMATION ANYWHERE → Variable Operation Command In Automation Anywhere 10.5Variable Operation Command In Automation Anywhere 10.5In this article, we will work on ‘variable operation’ command in automation anywhere.Example To add the variable operator command, drag and drop the same from the commands panelClick to EnlargeOnce you drop this command, following window will appearClick to EnlargeFrom here, you can select the variable (‘TestVariable’ in this case) that you have added earlier using variable manager.You can also specify the value and click on ‘Save’. Once saved the command will start appearing on Task editorClick to EnlargeNow you can change the order of the command by right clicking on the variable operation command and click on ‘Move up’Click to EnlargeOnce you run the below code, you will get following outputClick to EnlargePosted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Monday, September 24, 2018 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250