Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Users And Groups In Azure AD

Users And Groups In Azure AD

Different Parts Of The Tenant

  1. Domain
  2. Groups
  3. Users

Picture showing the tenant information in the default directory screen
Click to Enlarge


  1. Under the Manage menu, click on the Groups submenu
  2. Picture showing the Groups submenu in the Azure Active Directory
    Click to Enlarge

  3. A screen will appear on the right-hand side. Click on the + New Group button
  4. Picture showing the button for adding a new Group in the Azure Active Directory
    Click to Enlarge

  5. A screen will appear to create the group. Enter all the required details and click on the Create button to create a group
  6. Picture showing the create group screen in the Azure Active Directory
    Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the list of groups created in the Azure Active Directory
Click to Enlarge

How To Create A User?

  1. Under the Manage menu, click on the Users submenu
  2. Picture showing the Users submenu in the Azure Active Directory
    Click to Enlarge

  3. A screen will appear on the right side. Enter all the details and click on the Create button to create a user
  4. Picture showing a screen for adding a new user in the Azure Active Directory
    Click to Enlarge

How To Assign A User To A Group?

  1. Go to the details of the user
  2. Inside the detail screen, click on the Groups button
  3. A screen will appear on the right-hand side. Click on the + Add Membership button
  4. Picture showing the screen for associating the group with the user
    Click to Enlarge

  5. A docked screen will appear. Select the group and click on the Select button
  6. Picture showing the search screen for searching the group while assigning it to the user
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, April 29, 2021


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