Articles → HTML 5 → Time Tag In Html5

Time Tag In Html5

Human-Readable Vs Machine-Readable Information

  1. Humans can understand.
  2. Encoded in ASCII or Unicode text.
  3. Requires more storage than machine-readable information.

  1. Machine can understand
  2. Humans cannot understand
  3. Encoded in binary
  4. Requires less storage than human-readable information.

Time Tag




<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>We will meet at <time>10:00 AM</time> tomorrow.</p>

Try It

Picture showing the output of time tag in html5

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafariOperaEdge

Datetime Attribute

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>We will meet at <time datetime="2019-06-02 18:00">10:00 AM</time> tomorrow. </p>


Try It

Picture showing the output of time tag with datetime attribute in html5

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, June 7, 2019


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