Articles → ARCHITECTURE → Tier Vs Layered ArchitectureTier Vs Layered ArchitectureMost of the time we use the term N-tier architecture and N-layer architecture interchangeably. In this post I will try to differentiate between the twoTiers means that components of the application are separated physically. Consider the image belowClick to EnlargeIn the screen shot above, a windows application is deployed on one machine and database on another server. Here components are separated physically so it is 2-tier architecture.Click to EnlargeSimilarly a web based application is 3-tier architecture (see the image above).Layer means your application is logically separated but may or may not be physically.Click to EnlargeConsider the image above in which your application is logically separated into UI layer, business layer and data access layer.Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Monday, April 20, 2015 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250