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Threadgroup In Jmeter

What Is Thread Group?

How To Add Thread Group In Jmeter?

  1. Open jMeter
  2. Right-click on the test plan and click on Add → Threads (Users) → Thread Group
  3. Picture showing adding a thread group inside the test plan in jmeter
    Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the thread group added in the test plan
Click to Enlarge

Different Elements Of Thread Group

  1. Right-click on Thread Group.
  2. Click on Add → Component name
  3. Picture showing the list of different components that can added inside the thread group
    Click to Enlarge

  1. Sampler - This is a request that will be processed by jMeter.
  2. Logic Controller - This element controls the action of the request. In other words, it controls the way the request is sent to server.
  3. Pre processor - This element is used to perform activity before the request is processed.
  4. Post Processor - If you require any information from the response then this element is used.
  5. Assertions - If we want to validate the response with the desired output then assertions are used.
  6. Timer - This element is used to add delay in your request.
  7. Test fragments - Test fragments is like another thread group which can be added inside the test plan.
  8. Config Elements - This element is used to create defaults and variables used by samplers.
  9. Listener - This element is used to view and analyze the results of performance testing in tabular or graphical form.

Thread Group Properties

Picture showing the different properties of the thread group
Click to Enlarge

  1. Name – This is the name of the thread group.
  2. Comments – These are additional information that user can add about thread group
  3. Action to be taken after a sampler error – This section specifies what action needs to be performed if an error occurs.
    1. Continue – ignore the error and continue with the execution.
    2. Start next thread loop – ignore the error and continue the next iteration.
    3. Stop thread – stop the execution of current thread.
    4. Stop test – stop the entire execution of test.
    5. Stop test now – Test execution must be stopped abruptly.
  4. Number of Threads (users) – These are number of concurrent user sending requests.
  5. Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) – It means how much time jmeter will take to start full number of threads. For example if number of threads are 30 and Ramp-Up period is 180 seconds then it means after every 6 seconds (180/30) a new thread will be added.
  6. Loop count – This attribute specifies the number of iterations.
  7. Delay thread creation until needed – This option when checks performs ramp-up and startup delays before thread data is created.
  8. Scheduler – Provides option to execute your script for specific amount of time.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, November 25, 2019
Updated On  -  Thursday, January 9, 2020


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