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Split The User Story Based On Workflow In Agile



As a user, 
I want to purchase a product online 
so that I can have it delivered to my home 

  1. Search product
  2. Add to cart
  3. Checkout
  4. Add shipping and billing methods
  5. Pay using a credit card
  6. Get a confirmation email

Workflow StepUser Story
Search productAs a user,
I want to search for the product
so that I can easily find and purchase the items that meet my needs
Add to cartAs a user,
I want to add products to the cart.
So that I can review my order before purchasing
CheckoutAs a user,
I want to check out the product
so that I can add my billing address and purchase it
Add shipping and billing methods.As a user,
I want to save my billing and shipping address.
So that I can use it for the future shopping
Pay using a credit card.As a user,
I want to use credit card payment
so that I can pay it online without the hassles.
Get a confirmation emailAs a user,
I want a confirmation email
so that I can make sure that the purchase is done

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, November 19, 2024


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