Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Shared Disk In Azure

Shared Disk In Azure

Shared Disk

Creating A Shared Disk

Picture showing the Size window with the Max Shares column
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Enable shared disk radiobutton to enable the shared disk option
Click to Enlarge

Creation Of 2 Virtual Machines

Picture showing the section to add shared disk in the virtual machine
Click to Enlarge

Configuring Disk In The Virtual Machine

  1. Log in to the first virtual machine using RDP
  2. Open Server Manager
  3. Go to File and Storage ServicesDisks
  4. Right-click on the disk and click on the Initialize option
  5. Picture showing the initialize option in context menu for initializing the disk
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Again right-click on the disk and click on the New Volume…
  7. Once the new volume is set, you can see the disk drive
  8. Picture showing the shared disk in the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  9. Log in to the second virtual machine using RDP
  10. Open Server Manager
  11. Go to File and Storage ServicesDisks
  12. Right-click on the disk and click on the New Volume…
  13. Once the new volume is set, you can see the disk drive
  14. Picture showing the shared disk in another virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, April 22, 2021


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