Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Shared Access Signature In Azure
Shared Access Signature In Azure
What Is A Shared Access Signature?
What Is A Signed URL?
Why Do We Need The Shared Access Signature?
- Share the access key with the user → The issue with this approach is that, after sharing the key, the other user has full access to your storage account
- Create a shared access signature → This is the recommended approach where you can provide appropriate permission to the user and specify the time till which the user can make a request
Levels Of Generating The Shared Access Key
- Resource level
- Account level
Generating Shared Access Signature At Resource Level
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- Click on the file myfile.txt
- In the details tab, there is a tab called Generate SAS
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- In the Generate SAS tab, you can mention the different criteria for generating the SAS
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- Once the criteria are fulfilled, you can click on the Generate SAS token and URL button
- The SAS token and URL are generated
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Generating Shared Access Signature At Account Level
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