Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Shared Access Signature In Azure

Shared Access Signature In Azure

What Is A Shared Access Signature?

What Is A Signed URL?

Why Do We Need The Shared Access Signature?

  1. Share the access key with the user → The issue with this approach is that, after sharing the key, the other user has full access to your storage account
  2. Create a shared access signature → This is the recommended approach where you can provide appropriate permission to the user and specify the time till which the user can make a request

Levels Of Generating The Shared Access Key

  1. Resource level
  2. Account level

Generating Shared Access Signature At Resource Level

Picture showing the text file uploaded in the container of the storage account
Click to Enlarge

  1. Click on the file myfile.txt
  2. In the details tab, there is a tab called Generate SAS
  3. Picture showing the Generate SAS tab for generating the shared access key
    Click to Enlarge

  4. In the Generate SAS tab, you can mention the different criteria for generating the SAS
  5. Picture showing the generate SAS screen for generating the shared access key for text file
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Once the criteria are fulfilled, you can click on the Generate SAS token and URL button
  7. The SAS token and URL are generated
  8. Picture showing the BLOB SAS token and BLOB SAS url of the text file
    Click to Enlarge

    Picture showing the text file stored in the storage account in the browser
    Click to Enlarge

Generating Shared Access Signature At Account Level

Picture showing the Shared access signature submenu for storage account
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the generate SAS screen for generating the shared access key for storage account
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, April 26, 2021
Updated On  -  Thursday, May 20, 2021


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