Articles → UIPATH → Settransactionstatus.Xaml File In Reframework In Uipath



Picture showing the flow chart of the SetTransactionStatus.xaml workflow
Click to Enlarge

  1. If there is no business or system exception then execute the Success Sequence
  2. If there is a business exception then execute the business exception sequence
  3. If there is a system exception then execute the system exception sequence
  4. In case of success or business exception, execute increment next transaction

Success Sequence

  1. Check if the transaction item is of the type queue item
  2. If true, then set transaction status as the transaction Item
  3. Log data
  4. Picture showing the Success flow of the SetTransactionStatus.xaml workflow
    Click to Enlarge

Business Exception Sequence

Sequence NameLog LevelTransaction Status
Business ExceptionErrorBusiness Exception

System Exception Sequence

  1. Check if the transaction item is a queue item and assign the result to the QueueRetry variable
  2. If the transaction item is of the type queue item, then assign the value of the transaction item as transaction status and assign the value of retry to io_RetryNumber variable
  3. Invoke "RetryCurrentTransaction.xaml" workflow file
  4. Invoke "TakeScreenshot.xaml" workflow file
  5. Invoke "CloseAllApplications.xaml" workflow file
  6. Picture showing the System Exception flow of the SetTransactionStatus.xaml workflow
    Click to Enlarge

Increment Next Transaction

Picture showing the Increment Next Transaction flow of the SetTransactionStatus.xaml workflow
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, March 23, 2021


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