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Set Up MSSQL Using The RDS Service In AWS

What Is The RDS?


  1. The region in which RDS will be created should have at least 2 subnets
  2. Subnets are mapped to at least 2 Availability Zones
  3. Add an inbound rule for port 1433 in the security group
Picture showing adding the inbound rule for 1499 port number in security group
Click to Enlarge

How To Create An RDS?

Picture showing the RDS option in the search result
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create database button for creating the new database
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing selecting the database creation method in RDS
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing selecting the engine type while creating a new database
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing adding the database name and the credentails while creating a new database using RDS
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Create database button for creating the new database
Click to Enlarge

Database Status

Picture showing the status of database as Creating
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the status of database as Available
Click to Enlarge

Database Configurations

  1. Endpoint
  2. Publicly Accessible should be set to Yes
Picture showing the Server endpoint and Publicly Accessible attribute of the database
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the setting to enable Publicly Accessible
Click to Enlarge

Connect To The Database

Username: admin
Password: <Created by you>

Picture showing connecting the database using SSMS
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the object explorer view of the database in SSMS
Click to Enlarge

Different Databases And Use Cases

Data StoreWhen to Use
Database on EC2Ultimate control over the database
Preferred DB not available under RDS
Amazon RDSNeed a traditional relational database for OLTP
Your data is well-formed and structured
Existing apps requiring RDBMS
Amazon DynamoDBName/value pair data or unpredictable data structure
In-memory performance with persistence
High I/O needs
Scale dynamically
Amazon RedShiftMassive amounts of data
Primarily OLAP workloads
Amazon NeptuneRelationships between objects a major portion of data value
Amazon ElasticacheFast temporary storage for small amounts of data
Highly volatile data
Amazon S3BLOBs
Static Websites

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Updated On  -  Sunday, December 25, 2022


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