Articles → MICROSOFT BOT FRAMEWORK → Set The Order Of Questions In Formflow In Microsoft Bot Framework

Set The Order Of Questions In Formflow In Microsoft Bot Framework

public int Age;
public string Name;

Picture showing the bot asking to enter the name and age from the user in the default order
Click to Enlarge

public static IForm < FormFlowDemo > GetForm() {
  return new FormBuilder<FormFlowDemo>()
            .Message("Welcome to support chat system. Please enter the following information to serve you better")

Picture showing the bot asking to enter the name and age from the user in the specified order
Click to Enlarge

Complete Code

using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.FormFlow;
using System;

namespace Bot_Application1.Dialogs { 
  public class FormFlowDemo {

    public int Age;
    public string Name;

    public static IForm < FormFlowDemo > GetForm() {
      return new FormBuilder < FormFlowDemo > ().Message("Welcome to support chat system. Please enter the following information to serve you better").Field(nameof(Name)).Field(nameof(Age)).Build();

Validate Data Inside The Field Function

public static IForm <FormFlowDemo> GetForm() {
  return new FormBuilder < FormFlowDemo>()
      .Message("Welcome to support chat system. Please enter the following information to open bank account").Field(nameof(Name))
      .Field(nameof(Age), validate: async(state, response) =>{
    var validation = new ValidateResult {
      IsValid = true,
      Value = response

    if (Convert.ToInt32(response) < 18) {
      validation.IsValid = false;
      validation.Feedback = "You are eligible to open bank account as you are below 18 years of age";

    return validation;

Picture showing the validation message when user enters the age less than 18
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, October 23, 2020


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