Articles → UIPATH → Set The Column Width Of The Excel Using Uipath

Set The Column Width Of The Excel Using Uipath

Sample Excel

Picture showing the sample excel file
Click to Enlarge

Implementation Steps

  1. Set the focus on the Excel using the click activity
  2. Use the "Send Hotkey" activity to enter "ALT + O".
  3. Use the "Send Hotkey" activity to enter "C"
  4. Use the "Send Hotkey" activity to enter "W"
  5. Use the "Type Into" activity to enter the column width i.e. "20"
  6. Use the "Send Hotkey" activity to press enter
  7. Picture showing the complete sequential flow of UiPath for setting the column width in excel
    Click to Enlarge

  8. Save and run the bot


Picture showing the excel file after the column width is set to 20
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, April 7, 2021


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