Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Secrets In The Key Vault In Microsoft Azure

Secrets In The Key Vault In Microsoft Azure


How To Create Secrets Inside The Key Vault?

  1. Create the key vault
  2. Inside the key vault, click on Secrets in the menu
  3. Picture showing the Secrets menu in the key vault
    Click to Enlarge

  4. A window will appear on the right-hand side window. Click on the Generate/Import button
  5. Picture showing the Generate/Import button for adding a new secret
    Click to Enlarge

  6. A details screen will appear where you can enter the name, value, activation date expiration date, and enabled
  7. Picture showing the window to create the secret
    Click to Enlarge

  8. Click on the Create button to create the secrets

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, February 25, 2021


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