Articles → AUTOMATION ANYWHERE → Schedule A Bot In Automation Anywhere

Schedule A Bot In Automation Anywhere

How To Schedule A Bot?

  1. Using bot creator
  2. Using bot runner
  3. Using control room

Scheduling A Task Using Bot Creator

Picture showing the one time only scheduling option in the bot creator
Click to Enlarge

Scheduling A Task Using Bot Runner

  1. Daily – Here you can specify whether you want to schedule a bot
    1. Everyday
    2. Weekdays
    3. Every n days. Here n could be any positive number.

  2. Picture showing the daily scheduling option in the bot creator
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Weekly – Here you can specify on which day of the week, you want to schedule the bot.
  4. Picture showing the weekly scheduling option in the bot creator
    Click to Enlarge

  5. Monthly – Here you can specify in which month you want to schedule the bot.
  6. Picture showing the monthly scheduling option in the bot creator
    Click to Enlarge

  7. One time only – This is similar to bot creator for scheduling bot once.
  8. Picture showing the one time only scheduling option in the bot creator
    Click to Enlarge

  9. When My Computer Starts – This is to schedule a bot when VDI (or the system where the bot is scheduled) starts (or restarted)
  10. Picture showing the scheduling option when the computer starts
    Click to Enlarge

  11. When I log On - This is to schedule a bot when a user logs in to VDI (or the system where the bot is scheduled).
  12. Picture showing the scheduling option when the user logs in
    Click to Enlarge

Scheduling The Bot Using Control Room

  1. Log-in to the control room as an administrator.
  2. Click on ‘BOTS – My bots’ on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Picture showing the Bots-my bots in the control room
    Click to Enlarge

  4. Following screen will appear
  5. Picture showing the list of folders in the control room
    Click to Enlarge

  6. On the left-hand side menu, select any folder. A list of task bots will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Select the bot (Task2.atmx in the below screen shot) and click on arrow (→).
  7. Picture showing selecting the task bot from the list of tasks bots inside the folder
    Click to Enlarge

  8. Click on ‘Next>’ button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
  9. Select the machine where you want to schedule the bot. You can use arrow to add/remove machines.
  10. Picture showing the arrows for adding or removing the machines for scheduling
    Click to Enlarge

  11. Select the schedule
  12. Picture showing selecting the schedule type for the bot
    Click to Enlarge

  13. Click on ‘Schedule bot’ button on the top right hand side of the screen.
  14. Picture showing the Schedule bot button to complete the bot scheduling
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, December 5, 2018


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