Articles → XSD → Restrictions In XSD

Restrictions In XSD

  1. Restrictions on Values
  2. Restriction on set of values
  3. Restriction on series of values
  4. Restrictions on whitespace characters
  5. Restrictions on length

Restrictions On Values

<element name=“name_of_element">
		<restriction base=“integer">
			<minInclusive value = “min_val" />

<element name=“name_of_element">
		<restriction base=“integer">
			<maxInclusive value = “max_val" />


	<element name="person">
				<element name="name" type="string"/>
				<element name="age">
						<restriction base="integer">
							<minInclusive  value = "18" />
							<maxInclusive  value = "33" />
				<element name="maritalStatus" type="string" />

Restriction On Set Of Values

<element name=“element_value">
		<restriction base=“string">
			<enumeration value=“Val 1"/>
			<enumeration value=" Val 2"/>
			<enumeration value=“Val 3"/>


	<element name="person">
				<element name="name" type="string"/>
				<element name="age" type="integer"/>
				<element name="maritalStatus">
						<restriction base="string">
							<enumeration value="Married"/>
							<enumeration value="Single"/>
							<enumeration value="Divorced"/>

Restriction On Series Of Values

<element name=“element_value">
		<restriction base=“string">
			<pattern value=“pattern”/>


	<element name="student">
				<element name="name" type="string"/>
				<element name="Section">
						<restriction base="string">
							<pattern  value = "[A-E]" />

Restrictions On Whitespace Characters

  1. preserve – preserve option ensures that XML processor will not remove any white space.
  2. collapse – collapse option ensures that XML processor removes white spaces

<element name=“element_value">
		<restriction base=“string">
			<whiteSpace value=“preserve”/>

<element name=“element_value">
		<restriction base=“string">
			<whiteSpace value=“collapse”/>

	<Section>  E       </Section>

Restrictions On Length

<element name=“element_value">
		<restriction base=“string">
			<length value=“max_length”/>


	<element name="student">
				<element name="name" type="string"/>
				<element name="Section">
						<restriction base="string">
							<length value="1" />

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, January 7, 2015


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