Articles → .NET DESIGN PATTERN → Repository Pattern In C#

Repository Pattern In C#

What Is A Repository Pattern?

Steps To Implement The Repository Pattern

  1. Identify the entities like employee, department, salary, etc
  2. Create a class of the entities
  3. Create an interface with all CRUD operations
  4. Implement the repository interface


public interface IRepository <T> { 
    void Add(T entity);
    void Update(T entity);
    void Delete(T entity);
    T GetById(int Id);
    IEnumerable <T> GetAll();
public class Employee {
    public int Id {
    public string EmployeeName {
public class EmployeeRepository: IRepository <Employee> {
    //   Declare DbContext
    public void Add(Employee entity) {
        //   Write a logic for adding an employee
    public void Delete(Employee entity) {
        //   Write a logic for delete an employee
    public IEnumerable <Employee> GetAll() {
        //   Write a logic to get the list of all employees
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public Employee GetById(int Id) {
        //   Write a logic to get the employee details from Id
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public void Update(Employee entity) {
        //   Write a logic for update an employee
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Sunday, December 27, 2020


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