Articles → EXCEL → Remove The Time From A Date And Time Cell In Excel

Remove The Time From A Date And Time Cell In Excel

Excel File

Picture showing the sample excel file with the date data
Click to Enlarge

Approach 1

  1. Select the range of cells.
  2. Picture showing selecting the range of cells in excel
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Press CTRL + H to open find and replace window.
  4. In the ‘Find What’ textbox, enter ‘ *’.
  5. In the ‘Replace with’ textbox, keep it blank.
  6. Picture showing the Find and Replace window for removing the time
    Click to Enlarge

  7. Click on ‘Replace All’ button.

Picture showing removing the time element from the date string
Click to Enlarge

Approach 2

  1. Select the range of cells.
  2. Picture showing selecting the range of cells in excel
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Go to the ‘Number’ section of the ‘Home’ ribbon and select ‘General’ from the drop down.
  4. Picture showing selecting the General option from the dropdown
    Click to Enlarge

  5. Data is converted into numbers.
  6. Picture showing the dates are converted into numbers
    Click to Enlarge

  1. Press CTRL + H to open find and replace window.
  2. In the ‘Find What’ textbox, enter ‘.*’.
  3. In the ‘Replace with’ textbox, keep it blank.
  4. Picture showing Find and Replace window for removing decimals
    Click to Enlarge

  5. Click on ‘Replace All’ button.
  6. Decimals are removed from the number.
  7. Picture showing removing the decimal and numbers after decimal
    Click to Enlarge

  8. Now again go to the ‘Number’ section of the ‘Home’ ribbon and select ‘Short Date’ from the drop down.
  9. Picture showing selecting the Short Date option from the dropdown
    Click to Enlarge

Picture showing removing the time element from the date string
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, December 21, 2018


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