Articles → SQL SERVER → Rebuild System Databases In SQL Server 2008
Rebuild System Databases In SQL Server 2008
Software Requirement
Prerequisite Knowledge
- What are system databases?
- What is the purpose of the system databases?
What Does Rebuild Do?
Scenarios Of Rebuilding Database
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\SQL2019
setup.exe /QUIET /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /INSTANCENAME=sqlexpress2k8r2 /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS= my_domain\admin_user_name /SAPWD=login_password
Option | Description |
/QUIET | It means that the setup is run without any user interface |
/ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE | It means system databases are recreated |
/INSTANCENAME=sqlexpress2k8r2 | specifies the instance name of the database |
SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS= my_domain\admin_user_name | specifies the domain name and admin user name of the system |
/SAPWD=login_password | specifies the login password of the admin user |
Log In Summary.Txt File
Final result: Passed
Exit code (Decimal): 0
Exit message: Passed
Start time: 2012-06-29 17:20:19
End time: 2012-06-29 17:23:37
Requested action: RebuildDatabase