Articles → UIPATH → Read The Config File Of Reframework In Uipath

Read The Config File Of Reframework In Uipath

Config File

  1. Settings
  2. Constants
  3. Assets
  4. Picture showing the Settings tab of the config.xlsx file
    Click to Enlarge

How To Read The Config File?

  1. Create a new blank process in UiPath by clicking on the "Process"
  2. Picture showing the Process template while creating the New Project in UiPath
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Copy the file "InitAllSettings.xaml" file from the existing REFramework project
  4. Picture showing the InitAllSettings.xaml file in the project explorer in UiPath studio
    Click to Enlarge

  5. Drag and drop the "Invoke Workflow File" and specify the workflow file name as "InitAllSettings.xaml"
  6. Picture showing calling the InitAllSettings.xaml file using the nvoke Workflow File activity in UiPath
    Click to Enlarge

  7. Create a new variable "Output" of type Dictionary
  8. Picture showing the Output variable of type dictionary in variables window
    Click to Enlarge

  9. In the "Invoke Workflow File" activity, click on the "Import Arguments". A popup window will appear
  10. In the window, specify the hardcoded config file name and set the value of "out_Config" variable to the "Output" variable
  11. Picture showing the arguments passed in the InitAllSettings.xaml
    Click to Enlarge

  12. Finally, display the value in the message box. Here is the complete flow
  13. Picture showing the message box activity to display the queue name retrieved from config.xlsx file
    Click to Enlarge

  14. Save and run the bot


Picture showing the message box to display the queue name
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, March 17, 2021


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