Articles → UiPath → Read CSV, Write CSV And Append CSV Activities In Uipath

Read CSV, Write CSV And Append CSV Activities In Uipath


  1. Read CSV → This activity reads the data from the CSV file and stores it in the data table
  2. Write CSV → This activity writes the data of the data table in the CSV file
  3. Append CSV → This activity appends the data in the CSV file


Picture showing the 3 CSV files used in this example
Click to Enlarge

  1. Drag and drop the "Read CSV" activity. Set the file path to "Book1.csv" and output the data to the variable "MyDataTable".
  2. Drag and drop the "Write CSV" activity. Set the file path to "Book2.csv" and the data source is "MyDataTable".
  3. Drag and drop the "Append CSV" activity. Set the file path to "Book3.csv" and the data source is "MyDataTable".
  4. Picture showing the Read CSV, Write CSV and Append CSV activities in the designer pane
    Click to Enlarge


Picture showing the output excel file when Read CSV, Write CSV and Append CSV activities are executed
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, January 13, 2021


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