Articles → MONGODB → $Push, $Pull, And $Pop Operators In Mongodb

$Push, $Pull, And $Pop Operators In Mongodb

Sample Collection

Picture showing the sample document collection in mongodb

$Push Operator

    { name: "Jane Smith" },
    { $push: { hobbies: "Running" } }

Picture showing executing the $push operator in mongodb

Picture showing the output of $push operator in mongodb

Pushing Multiple Values In An Array

   { _id: ObjectId("document_id") }, // Match condition to identify the document
   { $push: { arrayField: { $each: [ value1, value2, ... ] } } }

   { _id: ObjectId("6597b8a02695219f3c55e481") }, 
   { $push: { hobbies: { $each: [ 'Cycling', 'Painting' ] } } }

Picture showing inserting multiple values in an array using the $push and $each operators

Picture showing multiple values inserted in an array using the $push and $each operators

$Pull Operator

    { name: "Jane Smith" },
    { $pull: { hobbies: "Running" } }

Picture showing the output of $pull operator in mongodb

$Pop Operator

{ $pop: { <field>: 1 } }: Removes the last element of the array.
{ $pop: { <field>: -1 } }: Removes the first element of the array.

    { name: 'John Doe' },
    { $pop: { hobbies: 1 } }

Picture showing removing the element from an array using the $pop operator

Picture showing the output of $pop operator in mongodb

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, March 28, 2024
Updated On  -  Wednesday, April 3, 2024


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