Articles → UIPATH → Process Transaction In Reframework In Uipath

Process Transaction In Reframework In Uipath



Picture showing the try-catch-finally block in Get Transaction Data
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  1. Initialize the variable "BusinessException"
  2. Call the workflow "Process.xaml" using the "Invoke Process Workflow" activity. The purpose of "Process.xaml" is to write logic to process the transactions

Picture showing the list of arguments for Process.xaml workflow
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  1. in_TransactionItem → This is the output of the Get Transaction Data flow. This argument contains the data that needs to be processed
  2. in_Config → This is the name-value pair retrieved from "config.xlsx"


Picture showing the list of activities in Process.xaml workflow
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, March 22, 2021


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