Articles → .NET → Partial Classes In .NetPartial Classes In .NetPartial classes means that your class definition can be split into the multiple physical files. Logically partial classes donot make any difference to the compiler. During compile time it simply groups all the partial classes(with same name) and treats them as single entity.Let us elaborate the parital classes with an example Here I have made a file PartialClass1.aspx having the partial class PartialClass as shown in figClick to Enlarge Here in PartialClass I have defined a function called Addition for adding 2 numbers. Then I make another physical file and again define the partial class with the same name PartialClass as shown in the fig Click to Enlarge Here in PartialClass I have defined a function called Mul for multiplication of 2 numbers. Now in the third Class I am calling both the methods of PartialClass using the single object as shown in figure.Click to Enlarge As you can observe I can access both the functions through a single object of PartialClassPosted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Saturday, September 25, 2010 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250