Articles → PHP CODEIGNITER → Override Existing Helper In Codeigniter

Override Existing Helper In Codeigniter

  1. Add a new function in the existing helper.
  2. Override the existing function with new functionality.

File Naming Convention

  1. Create a file in the "Helpers" folder.
  2. File naming convention should be "MY_helperclass_helper.php". For example if you want to override date helper then the file name should be "MY_date_helper.php".

Example - Add A New Function In The Existing Helper


$bad_date = '199605';

$better_date = nice_date($bad_date, 'Y-m-d');

echo $better_date;

Picture showing the output of nice_date function
Click to Enlarge

function showmessage()
    echo "Calling showmessage";



Picture showing the output of the function showmessage added in date helper
Click to Enlarge

Example - Override The Existing Function With New Functionality

function nice_date($date, $format)
echo "nothing";


$bad_date = '199605';

nice_date($bad_date, 'Y-m-d');

Picture showing the output when nice_date function is overridden
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, July 23, 2020


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