Articles → LIGHT SWITCH 2011 → Open A Link In New Browser Window In Lightswitch 2011

Open A Link In New Browser Window In Lightswitch 2011

Software Requirement

  1. Visual studio 2010 is installed on your machine.
  2. Visual Studio 2010 service pack 1 is installed on your machine.
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio Light switch 2011 is installed on your machine.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  1. What is lightswitch?
  2. How to create buttons?
  3. What is Execute() method of button?
  4. What is HTML DOM?
  5. What is dispatcher and why we use it?
  6. How to create lightswitch screens?

Assembly Required

Namespace Required

  1. Microsoft.LightSwitch.Threading
  2. System.Windows.Browser

What Is Htmlpage Class?


Dispatchers.Main.BeginInvoke(() = >{ 
    var uri = new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
    HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(uri, "_blank");

Running The Code Without Dispatcher


Picture showing the output of opening a link in new browser window in Lightswitch
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, May 21, 2012


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