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Loops In Javascript

Purpose Of Loops

Types Of Loops

  1. For loop
  2. While loop
  3. Do while loop
  4. For in loop

For Loop

Syntax Of For Loop

for (variable_name = start_value; variable_name <= end_value; variable_name = variable_name + increment_value) {
	//	Code of block to be executed

for (i = 1; i <= 10; i = i + 1) {
	//	Code of print numbers

Try It

Value of variable iIs condition i <= 10 satisfiedAction
1NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
2NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
3NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
4NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
5NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
6NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
7NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
8NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
9NoExecute the code block and increment the value of i
10YesExit loop

While Loop

Syntax Of While Loop

while (condition) {
	//    code to be executed

i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
	// Code to execute

Try It

Do-While Loop

Syntax Of Do-While Loop

do {
	//    code to be executed
while ( condition );

var i = 2;
do {
	//  Code to execute
while ( i == 1 );

Try It

  1. Code inside the do block gets executed
  2. While the condition is checked. Condition fails
  3. Loop exits

For-In Loop

for (variable_name in object) {
	//    code to be executed

var obj = new Object();
obj['name'] = 'karan';
obj['address'] = 'India';
obj['tech'] = '.net';

Picture showing a sample object in JavaScript with attributes

for (x in obj) {
	// alert(obj[x]); // this will prompt karan, India and .net

Try It

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, July 16, 2012


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