Articles → Python → Logical Operators In Python

Logical Operators In Python

Logical Operators

  1. And
  2. Or
  3. Not

And Operator

Condition 1 and condition 2

age = 19
nationality = "indian"

# If you are above 18 years of age and your nationality is indian then you are eligible to vote.

if age > 18 and nationality == "indian":
        print("You are eligible to vote")

Picture showing the output of the And operator in python

Or Operator

Condition 1 or condition 2

isAmazonEmployee = False
isPrimeMembershipHolder  = True

# If you are an amazon employee or have amazon prime membership then you can watch that movie

if isAmazonEmployee ==True or isPrimeMembershipHolder == True:
        print("You are eligible to watch the movie")

Picture showing the output of the Or operator in python

Not Operator

Picture showing the output of the Not operator in python

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Sunday, February 17, 2019


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