Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Key Vault In Azure

Key Vault In Azure


How To Create The Key Vault?

  1. Log in to the portal
  2. Go to the Key Vault
  3. Click on the + Add button to add a key vault
  4. In the details screen, enter the following information: -
    1. Subscription
    2. Resource Group
    3. Key vault name
    4. Region
    5. Pricing Tier (standard and premium). In the premium option, you can add the HCM security
    6. Picture showing the detail screen for adding the key vault information
      Click to Enlarge
  5. In the Recovery Options, enter the following information: -
    1. Soft-Delete - This is read-only and enabled by default
    2. Days to retain deleted values - The value can be between 7 to 90 days and once set cannot be changed
    3. Purge protection
    4. Picture showing the detail screen for adding the key vault information
      Click to Enlarge
  6. Click on the Review + Create button for validation
  7. Once the validation is done, click on the Create button to create the key vault

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, February 25, 2021


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