Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → IP Flow Verify Tool Of The Network Watcher In Azure

IP Flow Verify Tool Of The Network Watcher In Azure


Check The Communication Between The Virtual Machines

Picture showing the diagram that shows the arrangement of virtual machines inside the different subnets of the same virtual network
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Picture showing the list of virtual machines in different subnets of the virtual network in the Azure portal
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Picture showing the inbound port rules that are common to all three virtual machines in the Azure portal
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  1. Can VM1 and VM2 communicate? Answer: Yes, because
    1. Both virtual machines are in the same virtual network
    2. Rule no 65000 i.e., AllowVNetInbound is enabled
  2. Can VM1 and VM3 communicate? Answer: No, because
    1. Both virtual machines are on different networks
    2. There is no peering between the virtual networks
    3. Rule no 65500 i.e., DenyAllInbound is enabled

IP Flow Verify Tool

Picture showing the network watcher in the search menu
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the IP flow verify screen inside the network watcher
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the section of the screen to check the connection between the 2 virtual machines
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the section of screen to check the connection between vm2 and vm3
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, May 8, 2021


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