Articles → AUTOMATION ANYWHERE → Introduction To Workload Management In Automation Anywhere

Introduction To Workload Management In Automation Anywhere

What Is Workload Management?

Workload Management Vs Manually Distributing The Task

Workload managementManually distributing the task
No custom coding required implementing workload management. Custom implementation is required for workload management.
Automatic distribution of work items.Manual distribution of work item.
Centralized console for workload configuration and monitoring.No centralized console for workload configuration and monitoring.
Automatic failover of BotRunners.Customized implementation of exception handling.
Based on priority workload pools are flexible.Customized implementation is required to implement flexibility.
Queues are encrypted so not required to implement data security explicitly.Customized implementation is required for data security.

Components Of Workload Management

  1. Data queue (container for work items or transactions)
  2. Task bot
  3. Device pool (collection of bot runner)- Device pool can execute work item of one process or task.
  4. Automation that connect the above 3 components.

Advantages Of Workload Management

  1. Multiple tasks run in parallel so that task can be completed within SLA.

  2. Bot runners associated with device pool can be reused.

How Workload Management Works

Picture showing the representation of how workload management is done in automation anywhere
Click to Enlarge


  1. System role
    1. Pool admin – This is the role to create device pool. Role name is AAE_Pool Admin in control room.
    2. Queue admin – This is the role to create queues. Role name is AAE_Queue Admin in control room.
  2. User defined role
    1. Bot runner role.
    2. Queue participants and consumers.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, January 9, 2019


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