Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Introduction To The Storage Accounts In Azure

Introduction To The Storage Accounts In Azure


Services Of Azure

  1. Blob → Stores unstructured data like objects, images, and videos
  2. Table → Stores data in tabular format
  3. Queues → Stores queues used for sending and receiving messages
  4. File → Used to create file shares

Types Of Storage Accounts

  1. General purpose v2 accounts → This type of storage account provides blob, file, queue, and table services
  2. General purpose v1 accounts → This type of storage account provides blob, queue, and table services. This is the older version of the storage account type
  3. BlockBlobStorage accounts → This type of account is used when you want premium performance for storing blocks and append blobs
  4. File storage accounts → This type of account is used when you want premium performance for file storage only
  5. BlobStorage accounts → This is a legacy storage account. It is advisable to use a general-purpose v2 account

Replication In Storage Account

  1. Locally-redundant storage (LRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times within the physical location of the primary region
  2. Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times across the availability zones of the primary region. This replication is used to recover the data in case of data center failure
  3. Geo-redundant storage (GRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times in the primary region and then asynchronously replicated in the second region
  4. Read Access Geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times in the primary region and then replicated asynchronously in the second region. The data in the secondary storage is available for read-only purposes
  5. Geo-Zone-redundant storage (GZRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times across the availability zones of the primary region. Then asynchronously in the second region
  6. Read Access Geo-Zone-redundant storage (RA GZRS) → Here, the data is replicated synchronously 3 times across the availability zones of the primary region and then asynchronously in the second region. The data in the secondary storage is available for read-only purposes

Access Tiers

  1. Hot → This is optimized to store the data which is frequently accessed
  2. Cold → This is optimized to store the data which is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days. This is set at the account level
  3. Archive → This is optimized to store the data which is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days. This is set at the blob level

  1. The storage cost of the cold tier is less than the hot tier
  2. The access cost of the cold tier is greater than the hot tier
  3. When the blob is in the archive tier, you cannot access it. You have to rehydrate the blob first

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, May 10, 2021


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